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A Revolution in Technology-Apple Vs Samsung Verdict

Apple's patent win over Samsung last friday night through US(California) district court is reported to be one of the biggest events in technology awarding the World's richest company with an additional $1.05 billion in its account.

The decision was taken by the US Jury after it found that Samsung had infringed several of the Apple's Software and design innovations. 

While Samsung says that it intends to appeal in the court,Apple says that it even seeks a ban on eight of the Samsung Smartphones including Galaxy S 4G,Galaxy S2 AT&T Model,Galaxy S2 Skyrocket,Galaxy S2 T-Mobile model,Galaxy S2 Epic 4G,Galaxy S Showcase,Droid Charge and Galaxy Prevail in the US market at the heart of lawsuit hearing on 20th September.

An internal source even reports that Apple will try to use this verdict to halt the sale of other Android based Phones in the market which it believes are infringing its patents.

Apple's another rival company Google released a statement saying 
        "The court will review validity of all the patent claims and the           
      infringements".It also says that "Not all the core android operating     
    system is included in this verdict and they will continue to work on the  
  android to provide the public with the innovative and the affordabe products as they don't want anything to limit that."

Impact on Microsoft:

After Apple,the company that has been found getting the maximum benefit out of this verdict is Microsoft.During the court case,a hidden fact was revealed by Apple that it has licensed some of its technologies to Microsoft.

Some analyst even reports that Microsoft can now take the advantage of the verdict to convince the mobile manufacturing companies to use their Windows Operating System in the new phones.

The Windows OS has already been taken to the next level thereby raising the stock price by about 0.4%.

Impact on Google:

Google,another android OS based company is looking after the lawsuit hearing scheduled on 20th september and is expecting the patents to hold up under appeal so that it could recode Android to ensure avoiding infringements.

Also as an alternative way to settle down with its rival company,Google has filed its first lawsuit against Apple since it took over motorola,based upon seven patent infringements by Apple,succeeding which Google could call for an import ban on Apple's iOS products.

Talking about the stock price,Google was down by 1.4% on Monday.

Impact on Apple:

Quite obviously,Apple has got the maximum out of this verdict afterall its the company who has won the biggest verdict ever in technology.

Apple's Stock price was found to rise already by 2% to an all time high on monday.

News are that Apple can use this verdict to win monopoly over hundreds of Smartphones' basic features and designs(which are continuously being improved by Samsung and other companies) which then couldn't be used in the other Smart phones generating the need for the companies like Motorola Google,HTC,Samsung,etc to almost double their efforts to come up with new ideas.

Impact on Samsung:

Samsung is hoping to succeed in keeping its devices in the market or atleast creating a delay on ban based upon the appeal it has petitioned for the verdict whose hearing is scheduled on 20th september.

Till then,Samsung flagship smartphone,Galaxy S3 which were not included in the verdict will be on sale in the market.

You can surely expect the future Samsung Smartphones to be highly different in features,looks and design from Apple's Smart phones.

A chief analyst said that its actually a win for Samsung since Samsung could make it to the #2 position (in terms of most profitable mobile company) by paying just $1bn as compared to Microsoft which paid $8bn for Skype.

Regarding the stock market,Samsung's shares fell 7.5% on Monday which is reportedly their biggest drop since 2008 wiping about $12 billion off the companies value(approximately the amount Google paid to buy Motorola Mobile Unit).

Impact on Design & Technology:

All the future smart phones by the companies other than Apple will be highly different 'in features and looks' from Apple Smart phones.

Seeing such a tremendous loss incurred by Samsung,the designers will have to carefully design the new products so as to avoid any kind of infringement in future.

Impact on Customers:

There are two schools of thought for its impact on the customers.The first thought is that the customers will be blessed with the new features that the companies would innovate for their hand sets.

The second thought is that since Apple will have the monopoly over hundreds of features existing in today's market,Customers will be left with only less innovation,fewer choices and obviously the higher prices.

Definitely,this verdict has affected every mobile manufacturing company,leaving them with lots of restrictions,one of them being not to use the famous zooming and bounce back functions,which eventually can make them to pay Apple licensing fee for access to the technology thereby making Apple go even more Rich.
But all this depends upon another lawsuit hearing on 20th September.The decision can even turn the entire game. ;)


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