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Facebook offering Rs 50 talktime for referral Signups

The Social Networking Giant,Facebook is continuously coming up with new ideas to promote itself.We all know Facebook is best in everything it does.Recently,after buying domain name for $8.5 million,Facebook has now come with another brilliant idea.

Now what's that idea?The idea is that Facebook will offer the mobile talk time worth Rs. 50 to new 'Selective' Users in India who make the signup on the basis of some reference.

The first thought that would be coming to your mind would definitely be "It's another fake news" but be assured this time,the news is definitely not fake.It has been revealed by one senior company official.

Also the Country Growth Manager,Kevin D'souza said that the initiative has been taken on the pilot basis and the amount of recharge varies from person to person and place to place since different telecom carriers have different Facebook plans.

D'souza also added that they never know what thing may work.So,they continuously keep on experimenting up with new things and this is also one of their experiments which is being done in India.He continued saying that the company reserves the rights to discontinue this service at any time without any notice.Had it happened,will the talktime received prior to it be credited as appropriate only.

The user will have to firstly register on the company's website and then will have to provide his/her mobile number along with the mobile number of the person who has referred him/her in order to avail this Rs. 50 talk time,the Facebook's Mobile version talk time promotion page reads out.After confirmation of account,the user will receive the talk time within three business days.

We can't say,this new experiment is anyhow going to be fruitful for Facebook or not but definitely Indian users are going to be benefited a lot with it. Afterall Rs. 50 recharge is not a poor amount.

Create your own folder lock with a Simple Code

Folder locks have become the necessity for this generation for the very obvious reasons which we all know..But finding them for free on the internet is sometimes not an easy task to do.

There are lots of issues related to the free online folder locks like the trial period,fake serial key and lots more.

Even if you cope up with these issues,still you will be using only a 3rd party software which may not be secure and genuine in every case.

So,won't it be a better idea,if you can create your own folder lock and that too using the easiest way ?Not only you will be prevented from relying on some 3rd party software,but also you won't be having the need to download it from anywhere.

Features that would be available with this Folder Lock

1) Ability to lock and unlock it with your desired password.

2)Hide the folder from everybody(The folder will remain hidden even if you check the option reading "Show Hidden Files and Folders").

Now lets see,how to create this folder lock:

1) Open a notepad file and copy the below code in it.

2)Type your desired password for the folder lock in the place highlighted in the red reading "type your password here"  in the code.

3)After making the necessary changes,save the file with the name locker.bat

4)Now a bat file has been created.Double click on it.

5)Double clicking on bat file will automatically generate the locker folder in which you can add your files like you do in other ordinary folders.

6)Now to hide and lock the folder,again double click on the bat file created by you i.e 'locker.bat' file.
You will see a message like this 
"Are you sure you want to lock the Folder(Y/N), type Y(yes) and press Enter to lock and hide it.

7)Now if you want to make the folder visible and unlock it,simply double click the 'locker.bat' file and enter the password chosen by you in the Code and press enter.The unlocked folder lock will again be visible then.

title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure you want to lock the Folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid Choice.
ren LOCKER "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder Locked
goto END
echo Enter Password to Unlock Folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==type your password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked Successfully
goto END
echo Invalid Password
goto END
md Locker
echo Locker Created Successfully
goto END

Playing with the folder locks was never this easy.I hope,now you won't be having the need to spend hours on Internet just to look after some effective and full version folder lock.

Its gonna be Android 4.0 with Aakash Tablet this time

Telecom Minister Mr. Kapil Sabil announced that the new Aakash Tablet is expected to be launched on November 11 this year.

Although he didn't give any assurance about this but speaking at the Economic Editor's Conference,the minister said "Hopefully on November 11,you will see the President talking to 20,000 students across the nation(who) will have their hands on Aakash".

Talking about the features,the new Tab will be running on 1 GH processor and is going to include 7" Capacitive touchscreen,Android 4.0 Operating System and the long 4 hours battery backup as compared to the earlier iteration that ran Gingerbread with a paltry 366 MHz Procesosor.

The biggest competitor of the new Aakash in terms of price will definitely be Datawind,the company that manufactures Aakash and which has already launched four lowest price versions of the Ubislate tablets in the market but the price difference will still be considerable one,the resources said.

Initially the price would be comparatively high,but gradually it is expected to come down to $35 which will be around Rs 1500 once the manufacturing activities setup in India,Sibal said.

Sibal added that there are plans of manufacturing about 5 million new Aakash Tablets and that too without putting any burden on the Ministry of Finance.

If compared to the Aakash tablet launched by the Government in October last year which ran into big controversy due to the delayed shipment despite pre-order payments made months in advance,it does not seem to be the case this time as Mr Sibal has quoted a specific date on which the device would be made available.Still,all we can do is hope that this time everything is for real and the words of our minister doesn't prove out to be mere words only.

No. of Facebook likes getting doubled with every Share

The recent flaw revealed in Facebook is the automatic increment in the number of facebook "likes" of the webpages irrespective of whether the users have clicked the like button or not,or even visited the page in question.

The flaw came into limelight after Facebook announced that it has surpassed the milestone of one billion monthly active users.

It has been found by a US security researcher that whenever someone sends the webpage address to his friend using the facebook private messaging system,it automatically adds two likes to that webpage.

Even if someone leaves a comment under any story within a webpage,the count of the facebook likes will increase,BBC reported the flaw.

When the giant itself was asked about this,it admitted the very existence of flaw and told that "We did recently find a bug with our social plug-ins where at times the count for the share or Like goes up by two,and we are working on fix to solve the issue now".

In all this discussion,one new thing came into limelight that whatever figure the 'Like counter' shows is not only the number of likes the page has got but it also includes the number of times the page has been shared,though the number appears next to the word "Like" and the site's distinctive thumbs up icon.

So,even if you are sharing any webpage with your friend to highlight some negative content,inadvertently you are making that webpage popular as your share will automatically increase the Like counter of that webpage.

Although Facebook is saying it to be the flaw,who knows whether it was done intentionally by the clever mind to make the giant go even more popular.Anyways,Facebook will have to fix the issue as soon as possible,as it has gone quite popular now.

Facebook to step into E-Commerce With new Feature

Facebook has officially confirmed this monday its very idea of introducing a new feature that would allow the users to create a wish-list of the items like home-furnishings,clothing and other retail products that they want to purchase.

The feature is going to be introduced with the new "Want" button.

Facebook announced that it has currently engaged with the seven selected businesses who would be able to share the information about their products through a feature called "Collections".

The Retailers who are involved in this program are Pottery Barn,Wayfair,Victoria's Secret,Michael Kors,Neiman Marcus,Smith Optics and

The Users will find the collections only in their news feeds for now and not as a separate social plug-in or outside of facebook site,the company said.

The feature will allow the Users to like the items and even share the things they are interested in with their friends.

The giant said that this Collection test will be comprised of three separate actions namely-"Want","Like", and "Collect".In addition to liking the product content tagged by participating retailers using already famous "Like" Button,Users will also be able to identify themselves as "Wanting" a product in the vendor's collection or in the process of "Collecting" it.

All these actions would be visible to user's friends on his/her timeline and there would be a Buy Link for each product in the Collection that takes you to a place to buy it offsite.

Facebook said that its new Collection feature will gradually be available to all its users in the US.While some users will see the "Want" button as part of the test,others will see a button inviting them to "Collect" an item or to "Like" it.

Although a Facebook Spokeswoman said that the company won't receive a fee when someone purchases a wishlist item on facebook from a retailer's site,still the words are like this feature would become one of the biggest sources of revenue for Facebook.